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"Continuous Design Conflicts: Costs and Solutions" was published in IEEE Software!
"Continuous Analysis of Collaborative Design" has won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017)!

A live action screenshot of FLAME in a collaborative software design session using GME. FLAME GUI is present at the bottom-right corner.

Framework for Logging and Analyzing Modeling Events


FLAME is an extensible collaborative software design framework that provides facilities to detect design-level conflicts in a proactive way, i.e., before architects manually perform detection. FLAME has an extensible architecture that provides facilities via which the modeling tools and consistency checkers appropriate for the target system's domain can be integrated. FLAME captures modeling changes as they are made, performs a trial merging and conflict detection in the background in order to immediately detect newly arising conflicts, and presents the results to the architects. Also, FLAME explicitly deals with the potentially resource-intensive computations necessary for high-order conflict detection by parallelizing and offloading the burden to remote nodes. Moreover, by implementing its novel algorithm that prioritizes instances of conflict detection, FLAME guarantees that the outstanding conflicts at a given moment can be detected in a reasonable amount of time even when the available computation resources for conflict detection are scarce.


United States Patent

Related Articles


  • Jae young Bang, "Continuous Analysis of Collaborative Design" at the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 6, 2017.
  • Jae young Bang, "Proactive Detection of Higher-Order Software Design Conflicts" at the 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2015), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 7, 2015.
  • Jae young Bang, "Proactive Detection of Higher-Order Software Design Conflicts" at the USC Center of Systems and Software Engineering Annual Research Review 2015, Los Angeles, CA, April 15th, 2015.
  • Jae young Bang, "Using a Next-Generation Climate Architecture in Education" at The 3rd Annual ESGF/UV-CDAT F2F Meeting, Livermore, CA, December 5th, 2013.



  • The FLAME Repository [GitHub]
    • FLAME Server
    • FLAME Client
    • Detection Engine


  • FLAME XTEAM-GME Adapter [GitHub]
  • Generic Modeling Environment (GME) 12.12.11 (32-bit) [Vanderbilt ISIS]
  • The eXtensible Tool-chain for Evaluation of Architectural Models (XTEAM) [XTEAM]
  • XTEAM Scaffold (Windows) [download]
  • XTEAM Scaffold (Linux) [download]
  • AssortedxADL Paradigm for GME [download]
  • AssortedxADL Interpreter for GME [download]

Other People's Code in the XTEAM Scaffold

Data from the FLAME User Experiments


Click here to go to the FLAME user guide.


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Jae young Bang ( ) Yuriy Brun ( ) Nenad Medvidovic ( )
FLAME is under the MIT License (MIT). Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Jae young Bang. [more]